All golf bags: tripods, mixers, carts and training bags

With friends, in competition, on the move, or simply for practice, Espace Golf offers the leading brands of golf bags to suit every type of game.

There are 4 main families of golf bags: tripod, mixed , cart and training. The overwhelming majority are compatible with golf carts to take the load off your shoulders on the course, and are waterproof.

How to choose your golf bag?

The tripod bag is lightweight, has up to 8 compartments and can be carried on the back thanks to its straps. It's designed to hold half a set.

The cart bag is the most voluminous, with 14 compartments and storage pockets. It accommodates a complete series. Bulky and heavy, it can be transported with a cart or a golfette.

The mixed bag combines the storage of a cart bag with the maneuverability of a tripod bag. It features 14 compartments, back straps and a tripod.

Finally, the rarer practice bag is a tiny port shoulder bag that can hold 4/5 clubs for the driving range.

At Espace Golf, you'll find the leading brands of golf bags for all budgets and uses.